Aug 24, 2023Liked by Tom Hayden

I have thought this savings estimate was BS since they first shared this “data”. A large number of bussed students in middle school are all the kids in Walker neighborhood area who are bussed to Chute. It’s 3 busses, I believe — it’s all the kids in Skokie. That won’t change one bit.

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You’re def not alone. Up to 10 comments in EvNow...here’s one:

Dereliction of duty. Pure negligence.

Malfeasance. Incompetence. Ineptitude. These words (and then some) describe this BOE, this Administration, and the attorneys that represent the District. The entire cabal. Millions of dollars don’t just disappear; go unaccounted for. But only here can this puppet BOE and the Administration get away with a response that goes something like this: “We’ll do better next time. Promise. Pinky swear!” The bottom line is this: there needs to be a full accounting of every dollar spent — what was approved by the BOE, and what wasn’t? What was approved by the CFO and never went to the BOE, but was supposed to? What went to Horton’s associates and friends of associates? What was spent and where — down to the penny.? If we lived in Normalsville USA, an honest BOE, a BOE with integrity and a sense of accountability to the public, would have called for an independent audit immediately. Not here, not in “special” and “unique” Evanston, IL. Instead, it’s “Golly gee, something doesn’t add up” and “No more surprises, pretty please!” And the residents? Our response? We barely wake from our apathetic slumber. This place is beyond bizarre. Are we being punk’d?

(Oh, and PS — hey DEC (d65 teachers union): you endorsed all of these people….have fun fighting for your members in the next contract negotiation. This is ALL on you. I can only hope the teachers see this clearly. Actions have consquences. And this time, it’s going to be ugly.)

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Yeah --it’s really an Evanston mystery. This town feels like it turned into a village full of zombies. I don’t get it. But I know a lot of ppl who are scratching their heads too--but at the same unwilling to engage. Fearful of being called names, basically.

Meanwhile it’s the kids that suffer and mainly those that are most disadvantaged. Sigh.

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Todays write ups in the Evanston Roundtable and Evanston Now, about yesterdays BOE meeting, and the BOE member comments....seriously...this is beyond words. If these BOE members were even a drop qualified and/or had an ounce of integrity, they’d be demanding an independent audit of all finances. And instead it’s “Gee, no more surprises next time, okay.” How can there not be any accountability??! It’s all so incredibly beyond frustrating. I honestly don’t even have the words.

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Like .. am I missing something? Finance is presenting data that very clearly shows massive losses in the near future and a complete draining of the 2017 reserves. -$17m is more than 10% of the overall budget .. in the hole. I am not trying to be a pedantic finance bro getting in the way of spending priorities ... but this seems like a crisis not a "maybe we should think more carefully" moment.

I feel crazy though, because everyone in town seems to disagree with me, including I think the authors at the Roundtable. What am I missing? Is the assumption that when the shit hits the fan, we'll have a referendum again and all will be well?

I grew up in the Detroit area and literally watched the public schools go bankrupt, get taken over by the state, and the kids get fucked when the state basically eliminated public schools. It was this exact lack of seriousness that led to that.

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Roundtable deleted my harsh comments but like .. what are they going to do when the district is $17m in the hole with no reserves left?

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What are the "hazard routes" in the transportation costs? Students who have been bullied and can't ride the buses?

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Tom Hayden

It’s for those that are less than 1.5 miles, but have to cross a busy street. Such as McCormick or


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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Tom Hayden

Hazard routes are for kids who would have to cross a busy street (like McCormick) if they were to walk to school

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They also count some streets as hazards that are questionable. We live in skevanston and we

We’re bussed to Walker less than 1.5 miles from the Foster/Harding intersection. I believe everyone in New England Village has free bussibg. Perhaps because we cross Church? I honestly can’t remember.

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