Apr 14, 2023Liked by Tom Hayden

Great post. Very well reported.

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So wouldn't the district, him, and or the school board response just be that this is being racist because he’s a black leader and that none of his actual job performance results matter, the only thing that matters is that he’s a black leader so he should be respected and listened and given endless opportunities even after any mess ups all because of the color of his skin. This is what they have said and acted on for years. to and anyone that disagrees just racist. Or am I wrong in how the town thinks or at least has handled all situations until this point. You can delete this if your want sorry

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023Author

You bring up a point that, I believe, is at the crux of the problems in our community. There is a group of activists and board members who believe exactly what you describe. For proof, consider these board slides presented by Biz Lindsay-Ryan, who specifically argues that any criticism of Dr. Horton is inherently white rage.


Ms. Lindsay-Ryan also makes a living by telling people this - she runs a DEI consulting firm and speaks mostly to wealthy white audiences. She is currently making about $450/hour consulting up in Lake County, Illinois.

I've spoken with other folks in the community who have argued, "If we criticize black leaders, then no black people will want to be leaders" - which (i think) is a very infantilizing argument.

Thank you for this comment

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It's profoundly sad to me that ESSER money is being used on this. $1M a year could go a long way to helping kids with Covid learning loss which was the real intent of the money.

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In 5 years we're going to regret not investing those funds into building HVAC systems

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Only if Horton's friends source & install the HVAC systems.

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Ah. Chicago State U gives you a Masters Degree in so little time It took me three years going part time at University of Illinois to receive a Masters in Social Work. But as we ve learned a Masters and a PH D from CS produce Superintendents like Dr Horton

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To be fair to Chicago State, they're actually requiring students to do a 2 year program now versus the 1 year program that Northwestern/National Louis were offering. But two years of commuting down to 95th street seems like a brutal commute.

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