Tom, I agree with most of what you cover, but please, after what we have been through in this town over the last few years with D65 and the bile on Facebook by the usual suspects, can you NOT add to the practice of judging and pitting Evanstonians against each other? This practice is honestly degrading the community spirit of this town, …
Tom, I agree with most of what you cover, but please, after what we have been through in this town over the last few years with D65 and the bile on Facebook by the usual suspects, can you NOT add to the practice of judging and pitting Evanstonians against each other? This practice is honestly degrading the community spirit of this town, my hometown. I grew up in far South Evanston (not near the lake as many proud "South" Evanstonians live) and now I live in North Evanston, landing here after looking at houses all over Evanston - all areas which we would have happily lived. I am the same person as I when I lived in South Evanston and my neighbors seem just as nice. What is not OK is the hate constantly thrown toward the N Evanston schools and the people. And, this kind of hate toward the parade for the last few years (and by the usual suspects online) I fear is making it a less attended event with less groups participating. Meanwhile, this has been such a nice community event (even when I lived in South Evanston!) when people can all come together. Yes, it is kind of a silly tradition, but I feel like it's just showing enthusiasm for the event. There are always tons of spots that are not claimed by chairs, even day of. And, I'm sure you could tape a spot off if you didn't want to bring chairs. I feel like it's more a case of people who plan or do not plan (sadly, I am not great at planning.) Anyway, can we please not contribute to the negative, judgmental attitude that has torn us apart over the last few years?
I don't think we want to get into us all recounting all of the wrongs we have experienced in various parts of Evanston, do we? Make judgements? Also, FYI this accusation has been made about so many things in town that were then simply canceled, never replaced with anything better . The South and North branch libraries. YMCA's Brillianteen, a free community musical by teens throughout Evanston, brought kids together from all schools, backgrounds, etc was eliminated. Now kids (much fewer) are in silos of private and sometimes costly drama troupe and many, many more will never have the joyful experience so many once had. Free social events at schools, replaced with nothing - so private gatherings among small groups of families. Great.
And some of those things are valid points and some are not! We should all be talking about these things instead of letting a small handful of people call all the shots while everyone hides behind anonymous usernames. The more out in the open and honest this discussion is, the better. You can disagree with me and that's completely OK!!!
Hahahaha. It is stupid. It’s nice to be able to bitch about annoying things that are basically inconsequential. I’m pissed about Brillianteen. What a waste. First they came for our debutante ball. Then for our musical theater. Then our parade chairs. Then we mutinied and re-elected a millionaire to lead us. Where is the marshmallow drop when we need one???
Really, it was the highlight of the Haggerty Administration. It was cold that day, but it was so cool and so much fun. We didn’t get any eggs. And we didn’t care.
Currently live in North Evanston. Have since 2015. Lived 2008-2015 in South Evanston. Each has their own quirks and merits. The first year we lived here in an apartment at Main/Hinman. Biked up to Central the day of the 4th with a picnic and a blanket. Found a little spot. Sat and watched for a couple hours. When we had our first kids while we lived on Madison, we would transport them up to Central and enjoy the parade, never with an issue.
Tom - love your reporting and love that you care deeply/are passionate about many issues. I think when you start name calling and painting an entire part of town with a broad brush, it is not helpful/useful. It’s your Substack and your content that we all freely enjoy. But you might want to consider rethinking the utility of this post.
Nope! It's my blog and I can write what I want regardless of what "utility" you find in my posts. You don't have to agree with everything I write and you can comment and that's OK!
Tom, I agree with most of what you cover, but please, after what we have been through in this town over the last few years with D65 and the bile on Facebook by the usual suspects, can you NOT add to the practice of judging and pitting Evanstonians against each other? This practice is honestly degrading the community spirit of this town, my hometown. I grew up in far South Evanston (not near the lake as many proud "South" Evanstonians live) and now I live in North Evanston, landing here after looking at houses all over Evanston - all areas which we would have happily lived. I am the same person as I when I lived in South Evanston and my neighbors seem just as nice. What is not OK is the hate constantly thrown toward the N Evanston schools and the people. And, this kind of hate toward the parade for the last few years (and by the usual suspects online) I fear is making it a less attended event with less groups participating. Meanwhile, this has been such a nice community event (even when I lived in South Evanston!) when people can all come together. Yes, it is kind of a silly tradition, but I feel like it's just showing enthusiasm for the event. There are always tons of spots that are not claimed by chairs, even day of. And, I'm sure you could tape a spot off if you didn't want to bring chairs. I feel like it's more a case of people who plan or do not plan (sadly, I am not great at planning.) Anyway, can we please not contribute to the negative, judgmental attitude that has torn us apart over the last few years?
I'm gonna things as I see 'em even if it means I sometimes agree with the usual suspects (even if the hate me)!
I don't think we want to get into us all recounting all of the wrongs we have experienced in various parts of Evanston, do we? Make judgements? Also, FYI this accusation has been made about so many things in town that were then simply canceled, never replaced with anything better . The South and North branch libraries. YMCA's Brillianteen, a free community musical by teens throughout Evanston, brought kids together from all schools, backgrounds, etc was eliminated. Now kids (much fewer) are in silos of private and sometimes costly drama troupe and many, many more will never have the joyful experience so many once had. Free social events at schools, replaced with nothing - so private gatherings among small groups of families. Great.
And some of those things are valid points and some are not! We should all be talking about these things instead of letting a small handful of people call all the shots while everyone hides behind anonymous usernames. The more out in the open and honest this discussion is, the better. You can disagree with me and that's completely OK!!!
And when this gets canceled along with so many other things, I guess we can still go to fun things that exist in other suburbs.
Also don't worry I'm not turning the cannons on North Evanston - you guys just gotta take the heat for this stupid chair thing
Hahahaha. It is stupid. It’s nice to be able to bitch about annoying things that are basically inconsequential. I’m pissed about Brillianteen. What a waste. First they came for our debutante ball. Then for our musical theater. Then our parade chairs. Then we mutinied and re-elected a millionaire to lead us. Where is the marshmallow drop when we need one???
Dude the egg drop they did a few years ago at Mt Trashmore a few years ago was so stupid and fan
Really, it was the highlight of the Haggerty Administration. It was cold that day, but it was so cool and so much fun. We didn’t get any eggs. And we didn’t care.
What is the story behind Brillianteen?
In a very tiny nutshell, the Y decided musical theater was too white. If only they could have hung on until “Hamilton” was born.
Currently live in North Evanston. Have since 2015. Lived 2008-2015 in South Evanston. Each has their own quirks and merits. The first year we lived here in an apartment at Main/Hinman. Biked up to Central the day of the 4th with a picnic and a blanket. Found a little spot. Sat and watched for a couple hours. When we had our first kids while we lived on Madison, we would transport them up to Central and enjoy the parade, never with an issue.
Tom - love your reporting and love that you care deeply/are passionate about many issues. I think when you start name calling and painting an entire part of town with a broad brush, it is not helpful/useful. It’s your Substack and your content that we all freely enjoy. But you might want to consider rethinking the utility of this post.
Nope! It's my blog and I can write what I want regardless of what "utility" you find in my posts. You don't have to agree with everything I write and you can comment and that's OK!
Happy 4th Tom.
Same to you!!