I would love to see a full breakdown of how much Evanston taxpayers paid for the dozens (plural!) of "guest speakers" that attended the "Equity Symposium" on January 9th. A breakdown on costs for the custom tee-shirts Horton and his administration wore, all the custom printed materials, and especially the cost for the hour-long zoom call from Darnisa Amante-Jackson ended up costing the taxpayers.

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I didn't realize they had a full day symposium until just earlier this week. The tee-shirts should have been put out for bidding according to ILCS Contract Rules and I suspect they were not. I will FOIA the Darnisa Amante-Jackson contract, however.

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I would be very interested to know what teachers think about the quality of THEIR professional development experiences. And how does the district measure the effectiveness of this time?

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