Sitemap - 2024 - FOIA Gras

City of Evanston's Wild $20.1 Million Dollar Lease for 909 Davis

Payroll Problems in DeKalb

Systems, Processes and Structures

District 65 Value Engineering Foster School

District 65: Taxis and Private Therapeutic Schools 📈

Dr. Horton Spent Over $12,000 of District 65 Funds Moving to Georgia

Last Night's 🔥 D65 Board Meeting

Is This Securities Fraud?

District 65 Projects $8 million 2025 Budget Deficit

Judge Dismisses Teacher's Case vs D65

D65 Board Agrees to Closed SAP3 Meetings

District 65 to Begin SAP 3 Process

District 65 Free Lunch Program for Administrators - $139,403 in Catering

Surprise District 65 Budget Shortfall, Again

FOIA Gras was *not* Hacked

Fifth Ward School Groundbreaking Today

I Hate the Evanston Fourth of July Parade

A Completely Boring Post

District 65 Screws Up June Payroll

District 65 Election History, Board History and 5Essentials Data

New Orrington Principal - Controversial Past or Fake News?

District 65 Teacher Residency Program Post-Mortem

What is the Mysterious School-like Building at 2525 Church Street?

New Lincoln Principal and Bad Journalism

Fifth Ward School Bid Package #1 and #2 are Public

District 65 Board Votes to Close Bessie Rhodes

Bessie Rhodes Closure Vote on Monday; Opposition from Civil Rights Group

Evanston Consolidated Public Schools

Fifth Ward School - Finally Hiring a Construction Manager

Tree Law is In Effect

RIP Baby Woodpeckers

Video Gaming in Evanston

Fifth Ward School: Cutting it Close

Evanston Reparations: Update on Funding Model

Evanston Sued Over Reparations Fund

Parks and Recreation: The Pit

Do District 65's SAP Committees Violate the Open Meetings Act?

Is Bessie Rhodes School "Opportunity Hoarding"?

The $6,000 / Day DEI Consultant

Why is District 65 Closing Bessie Rhodes School?

Why Evanston Taxes go 📈

District 65 Business Manager Resigns

909 Davis: Leasing Agents to Make a Million Dollars in Commissions

On Journalism & Objectivity

Niles Township High School Election Interference

Northwestern Gaza Protest Photos

More Layoffs / Reimagining in District 65

Bessie Rhodes Closure March Photos

Echoes of the Fifth Ward School Financing Debacle

The Tortured Mathematicians Department (A Correction to Last Week's Story)

Former Dewey Principal Settles Lawsuit with District 65

The Dirty Secret About Illinois' Two Tier School Districts

District 65/202 and ISBE Datasets

Weekend Reading: Other Evanston Newsletters

District 65 Officially Suspends Superintendent Residency Requirement

District 65 Removes Civil War Unit from 5th Grade Curriculum

FOIA GRAS Reader Survey

Spring Break is Over: What you Missed in Evanston School District News

District 65 Secretly Suspends Superintendent Residency Requirement

Did New Trier Violate the Separation of Church and State?

New District 65 Superintendent Named

D65 Superintendent to be Named Tomorrow

District 65's Civil Rights Complaints

PTA Equity Project: An Experiment in Re-distributive Economics

Horton Gets a Good Deal and Updates on the Superintendent Search

Breaking: City of Evanston Violated Open Meetings Act

Dr. Horton Defaults on Repayment Agreement

City of Evanston's Exclusivity Agreement Regarding the New Civic Center Lease (909 Davis)

Another D65 Senior Staffer Moves on

District 65 Gets an Independent Financial Review

FOIA Workshop Video

FOIA Workshop Today